First and foremost, we need to thank all of our donors and supporters. With the dumpster fire that was 2020 now in our rear view mirror, we are looking forward to the possibilites.
We are planning on restarting our Thursday night print clinics. Once we resume the clinic, we will be limiting the number of participants and will be requiring masks to be worn at all times. Check back for updates on our website https://breditions.com/category/news/
We’ve completed two editions with Fatima Ronquillo and will be wrapping up a new edition with Peregrine Honig. Jeanette Pasin Sloan is next on our docket and we’ll be throwing that on the Voirin shortly.
We are keeping busy but need your help with some of the mundane aspects of running a shop; mainly things like paper, inks and various other supplies.
You can support us in 1 (or more) of 3 ways:
Your donations will provide materials for artists: printing plates, paper, ink and drawing tools as well as supplies for our Print Clinics and workshops. (Once we can safely convene for these) Your funding and generosity will assist with fractional operating costs that bring our artists the highest quality prints and projects we know we can deliver. Please consider making a pledge. Every bit adds up.
Black Rock Editions has a fiscal sponsorship from the Santa Fe Art Institute. This relationship makes any donation a tax-deductible contribution and insures that we can carry on. You can choose to donate directly through the online link listed below:
Donate here
Or you can send an old school check made payable to:
Santa Fe Art Institute Please make sure you note in the memo section on the check: Black Rock Editions.
Mail checks to:
Santa Fe Art Institute C/O Black Rock Editions PO Box 24044 Santa Fe, NM 87502-4044

Whether interested for your business or for your personal residence or both, for a fee of $5000, you can assist BRE as a subscription sponsor. ln return, we will send one of every print we publish during that year; credited at a rate of 50% of the publication retail price until your credit is used whereas you have the option of renewing. With each print, we include a provenance document. Email us at info@breditions.com for more information.
There’s always the old fashioned purchasing of the artworks. Not only will you be directly supporting the shop as well as the artists, you will have something lovely to hang on your walls. It’s a win/win. To view our available inventory, visit https://breditions.com/artists/
“There is nothing that says more about its creator than the work itself.”— Akira Kurosawa